We would appreciate just a few minutes of your time to complete a brief questionnaire. To thank you for your time, you will receive a small gift.
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Email *
Position *
Country in which you work *
Please indicate the type of fruit and/or vegetable you purchase/ use principally for your work?
Fruit *
Vegetables *
Can you indicate approzimately in percentages the origins of the fruit and vegetables you purchase/ use?
Local/national % *
EU countries % *
Non-EU countries % *
If you purchase/use fruit and/or vegetables from non -EU countries, can you indicate the countries you most often get fruit and/or vegetables from? *
In choosing which fruit and vegetable to purchase/use do you favour products that: *
How do you use the fruit and vegetables that you prucahse for your work? *
Would you be interested in receiving an invitation for our events or to visit our exhibition stands in the main international trade fairs? *
To receive a gift from us or get more information on the promoted products please send us an email QUI CI DEVE ESSERE UN LINK AD UN INDIRIZZO DI POSTA ELETTRONICA COLLEGATO AL TEAM CHE GESTISCE IL SITO or fill in the  form below.
Name and surname
Name of company
City / State / Postal Code
Telephone / Mobile number
Email* *
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