WMCC Facility Usage Application
Please be sure to review the WMCC Facility Usage Guidelines.  At the bottom of this application you will be asked to submit an electronic (typed) signature in confirmation.  
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Email *
Name of Group Applying *
If you are not part of a group (formal or not) but an individual please insert your name here.
Date of Application
Space request *
Meeting Day(s) Requested *
Time(s) requested *
We will try to meet your needs.   Please check our calendar for a list of times that are already occupied by other groups:  If you meet outside of peak business hours, you may request to check out a key for a $25 deposit.  
Purpose statement of the group. *
What is the goal of this group?  Why are you requesting space?
Target population for your group?   *
Who is the group hosted by and who are you trying to reach?  Who will be in charge of facilitation?  
Anything else the board should know about the group?
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