Volunteer With Megan Kerr for District 5
Right now we need all the help we can get to make sure we win this race in June and avoid a runoff. At this point in the campaign, we are feeling confident that we can get to the 50%+1 we need to win this race in June but that is only if we put in the work to turn out our votes.
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Select Your Volunteer Availability Below
Door to Door Canvasses will be run every Saturday from 10am - 1pm & Sunday Noon-4pm.
Phone & text banks will be run every Tuesday - Thursday from 5pm - 8pm
Canvassing Sat (10am)
Canvassing Sun (Noon)
Canvassing Tuesday (Anytime)
Phone banking (Any day, anytime)
6/4 - 6/7
Phone & text banks will be virtual, Canvassing is in person
Would you like a yard sign?
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Would you be willing to deliver yard signs?
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Would you or anyone you know be interested in an internship with the campaign?
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Are you a leader in a local activist or community group?
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Can you host a Canvas launch?
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What other tasks can you help the campaign out with?
Thank you for contribution to this campaign, your help will make a huge difference!
Feel free to share this survey with friends, family, and anyone else you think may be interested.
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