Elementary Report Card Feedback Form
We would like to CPS families and staff to provide feedback in the report card re-design work.  The Report Card Design Team would like your input on how we can make our report card grading system clear, equitable, and consistent across elementary schools.  

Please consider the following  Design Challenge/ Shared Question in your responses: 

How might we align our CPS report cards so that families have a clear understanding of their child’s progress over time?

Thank you in advance for your time and contribution.  Survey will close on November 30, 2024.  
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Email *
Please identify your role.  Select all that apply. *
Please select the language you prefer on report cards to indicate how learning goals are met.  
Do you prefer using the term(s) "standards", "grade level expectations", or a combination of both?
Share additional feedback about the term you selected above.  Use the term(s) "standards", "grade level standards" or "grade level standards and/or expectations".  
Subject and/or Skills:  Do you prefer an overall grade for each subject and a grade for specific skills, OR just a grade for specific skills?

Share feedback here about the question above:  Include overall subject grade or only grade the skills.
Should "Exceeding/Above Grade Level" be included in the grading scale? *
Share feedback here about the question above:  Include or not include Exceeding/or above grade level. 
LANGUAGE: Do you prefer direct language or descriptive language? See samples below. *
Share feedback about the question above:  Direct language or descriptive language on report cards.  
Select the language you prefer for level 1 grade on report cards.  Which do you find most helpful to families and students? You may select more than one. *
Share feedback here about the question above: Language for Level 1 grade.  
In order to provide students and families more information about their child's progress over time, we would like change from Semester: 2 report cards per year (Jan and June).  Please indicate which you prefer below.  
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Share feedback about trimester (3) or quarterly (4) report cards.
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