Lingthusiasm in the Classroom
First things first: Thanks so much for sharing Lingthusiasm with your students! We're keeping a record of how Lingthusiasm is being used in teaching. We may refer to data from this form in aggregate ("Lingthusiasm is used in X Ling101 classes").
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What is the course you are teaching? *
What specific subjects/courses do you use the show in?
What is the type of institution this course is taught at? *
What country are you in?
What is the institution this course is taught at?
Please write out the name of the school or university in full, without acronyms, because many acronyms can stand for multiple places or aren't familiar outside their region. E.g. "C" could stand for Calgary, Chicago, California...
What episode(s) do you use? *
If the latest episodes aren't on this list yet, you can always see a full list of episodes at
How do you use Lingthusiasm?
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Lingthusiasm is available in several formats on different websites. Which is the primary way that you share it with your students?
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Each episode has a full-text, edited transcript. Do you use the transcripts for teaching?
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Each episode has a shownotes page with additional links to further resources. Do you use the shownotes for teaching?
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Lingthusiasm has a Patreon where people can support the continued running of the show, get access to bonus episodes, and at higher levels request specific topics for bonus episodes. Do you use the Patreon for teaching?
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How do you integrate Lingthusiasm into your curriculum? (We might quote you)
Is there anything additional we could do to make Lingthusiasm easier to use or more valuable in your teaching?
If you would like us to get in touch with you in the future, please leave your email address (optional!)
Name and any other contact details that you think are relevant (optional!)
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