AEA OneClick District Set-up Request
The teacher librarian, curriculum coordinator, and technology coordinator may want to meet before completing this questionnaire.

This is a quick pre-boarding check-in to help the AEA set-up AEA OneClick for your district. AEA OneClick features and advantages:
Support more secure environments for students to access digital content.
Provide a single sign-on solution for students and educators to access AEA digital content (and some statewide professional content).
Simplify the process for access and finding AEA links and resources for the appropriate grade spans and educators.
Measure usage of AEA links and resources across the state.

Keep in mind that the AEA OneClick that Iowa AEAs are providing statewide has some limits. If your district wants the full ClassLink package to your Student Information System (SIS), your district will need to purchase their own license and Roster Server from ClassLink.

For more information about AEA OneClick view this document.
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District or school *
Name of the person completing form: *
Email of the person completing the form: *
What is the district’s Identity Provider Service ? *
Usually this is your district email.
Will your school or district be using Quick Cards (QR codes) for elementary students to log in? Your AEA will provide a PDF copy of the Quick Cards. *
There is an option for teachers to add apps/links to their personal dashboard from a library of 6,000 apps. Would you like that feature turned on for teachers? *
There is an option for students to choose an avatar from the ClassLink library or upload an image to personalize their profile. Would you like that feature turned on for students?
Clear selection
Does your district currently use Clever? *
Does your district currently use ClassLink? *
What devices do you have in the district? *
Check all that apply.
District tech director/tech contact name: *
District tech director/tech contact email:
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