Haven On Earth Animal League Adoption Application
Adoption Application
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In order to determine whether this proposed adoption is in the best interest of both you and the animal, we ask that you answer the following questions carefully and completely. We reserve the right to refuse any adoption. A refusal does not reflect on you as a person, but simply means that the pet would not be suited to the circumstances that you offer. We feel that our knowledge of the animal must be our guide in making the adoption decision.  By clicking the submit button below, I acknowledge that I have answered the questions truthfully and to the best of my knowledge.  Payment terms:  Prefer Cash or Check.  Venmo too but it costs us to process the payment.
Name of pet you are applying for: *
Your Name (First and Last) *
Your Complete Address with City, State and Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Complete number with area code.
Date of Birth *
Name & Ages of All Residents (in the home) *
Name & Phone Number of Landlord (If renting) or name of complex
What Type of Home Do You Live In? *
Do You Rent or Own? *
How Long Have You Lived At This Address? *
Employer *
Name & Phone Number of a Reference *
Please tell us about your current pets (Type, Sex, Age, Spayed or Neutered) *
Please tell us about any past pets you've had in the last 5 years (Type, Sex, Age, Spayed or Neutered) *
You Want This Pet For: *
Who will be responsible for feeding, housebreaking, and training? *
Does anyone in your home have allergies? (please explain) *
Are you looking for an indoor or outdoor pet? *
When you are home, where will this pet be kept *
Is someone home during the day? If so, who, and for how many hours? *
Where will this pet sleep? *
Will this pet be allowed on furniture? *
If you go away for a few days, who will take care of your pet? *
If you move, what will you do with your pet? *
Are you looking for a declawed cat? Do you plan on declawing your new pet? *
If you answered Yes to above, please explain below.
Have you ever given up a pet? (If yes, please explain) *
What steps will you take if your pet accidentally gets outside? (Please explain in detail)
Who is your current Veterinarian *
If there comes a time you are unable to care for your pet, what is the name and phone number of the person who would take guardianship. *
You will likely get a follow-up call of visit from a HEAL representative, is that ok? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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