Missions Conference 2023 年宣教特会
Thanks so much for your interest, but registration is now officially closed.

However, you can still walk-in to join us for all the three days, just note that for the workshop slot on Saturday, you are invited to join "Don't Worry , Just Share" by Jenny Ooi.
然而,您在这三天仍然可以无提前报名直接入场,但是,只有一个主题工作坊是开放给无提前报名的人参与的, 即是由 Jenny Ooi 分享的 "Don't Worry , Just Share”。

You can check out the rest of the schedule here: https://actschurchconference.com/#schedule
您可以在此参考特会时间表: https://actschurchconference.com/#schedule

See you there!
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