Share Your SDS Story
Although individual experiences with SDS are vastly different, our stories and experiences bond us as a community, and may help others get the correct diagnosis and better care, sooner. With your permission, we will share your story as told by you, publicly on our website and social media (SDS Alliance website  / blog, Facebook, Twitter, and other outlets) to raise awareness in the public and the medical community.
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Story Author - Full Name and relationship to patient *
Email (will not be shared outside of SDS Alliance) *
SDS Patient - First Name and Age *
Country and State/Province *
Story or story summary. Please coordinate with the SDS Alliance how to get the full story, pictures, and other media to us, by emailing or reaching us via FB messenger).
By submitting this form, you grant Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Alliance Inc (SDS Alliance) permission to use your story, photo, first name (or author and/or patient), country on the SDS Alliance website / blog and the SDS Alliance social media channels, and as part of our ongoing efforts to increase SDS awareness and research progress. *
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