Ash Wednesday: Ashes for you, to you
Ash Wednesday begins the Lenten season of reflection and prayer leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection. To begin our Lenten practice, Pastor Tiffany will come to you during the day on Ash Wednesday, March 5, at work, home, etc. - the location of your choosing in the River Region - to offer the imposition of ashes and prayer. Please indicate your interest by registering below. Pastor Tiffany will be in touch with you to coordinate a time to meet you at your location. (The time for the practice should be about 5-8 minutes.)
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First and Last Name *
Email Address *
Cell Phone Number *
Address for location where you would like to receive ashes and prayer. (Times will be available between 9:30 a.m. and 8 p.m.) *
Thank you! Pastor Tiffany will be in touch to coordinate a time with you.
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