Queen Tasha’s Servant Application
Start your new life as a castle servant today!
Name/ Sub Name *
Twitter Handle/ Discord/ Phone Number/FetLife/Reddit? *
I need minimum 1 to contact you~
Did you send my tribute? ($35 minimum, must be sent to be considered at all)
Payment options linked in my bio~
Preferred Payment Method? *
Are you looking to be considered for owner or just looking for an individual session? *
Tell me all your kinks and fetishes: *
Tell me all your hard limits: *
Sending money cannot be one of them~
How much do you make a month? *
Findom Budget Overall? *
How much are you able to send daily? Weekly? Biweekly?~
Are you currently in a relationship? *
Why should I allow you to serve in my kingdom? *
What drew you to me in the first place? *
How will you serve your Queen? *
Previous BDSM experience?
If applicable~
Age? *
Will be verified personally by me~
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