Pennant Hills Preschool - Waitlist Enquiry Form
For more information about Admission process, please visit our website:

To make an appointment for a Tour Booking, please email: or call: 98752901.   The best time for teachers and children is between 10am to 12pm.
If we are unable to offer you a place for your required start date, you can be placed on the waitlist.  Enrolments are open all year round with most vacancies occurring at the beginning of the year as children move on to primary school.  So if possible, plan to enroll for the beginning of the year. There is no charge to be on the waiting list and to confirm enrolments, a payment of $150 fee is payable.  To ensure the days you require are available, we recommend enquiring at least 6 to 12 months in advance.
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Email *
Parent/guardian name: *
Parent/guardian contact number: *
Child's name: (if you have more than one child, enter all children's name here) *
Child/ren's date of birth: *
What is your prefer days of attendance and/or minimum number of days required per week required? *
When is your prefer start date.   If you prefer, you can also note down your earliest and latest start date. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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