Limitless Books Author Signup
As we start up, we are running this service on a barter system to try to build our lists. When our lists or hosting expenses become large enough, we will move to a paid advertising model.

As we start up, we are inviting authors individually who we feel will meet the criteria below and will work together to help build a KU reader community we can all work with to increase our page reads. We will be using a barter system at first. In exchange for a featured ad in our newsletter, we're looking for mentions in your newsletter!

Want more ads? Include a promo for Limitless Reads in the front and back of your KU-enrolled books for three ads (to be used in different quarters for a single title, or on three different titles).

For best results, we will only be able to advertise each book once every 90 days, and each author once every 30 days, depending on list size and availability.

Email frequency will depend on the number of authors and subscribers. At full capacity, we will send one email per day featuring two books per time period (contemporary and historical).
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your (real) name *
What you want us to call you.
Email address *
Your pen name
Book title *
Amazon ASIN *
You can find your ASIN on your bookshelf or in your book URL. It's ten letters and numbers long and starts with a B.
Direct link to an image of your cover *
On your website or other service. Should end with .jpg or .png or another image file type.
Description of up to 100 words *
General time setting of this book *
Which of the following apply to your book? *
Is this book 1 in a series? If not, please specify which # in the series the book is under "other"
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Does this book meet the following criteria? *
Professional-level does not necessarily mean you have to pay for it (though we do want to pay professionals what they're worth!). It does mean that you've worked with multiple experienced individuals to make your cover and book the best it can possibly be and it is free from major, frequent errors.
Is there any content in your book that might be considered "PG-13" or stronger? Please explain under "Other." *
Including, but not limited to, physical, emotional or sexual abuse depicted on the page, alcohol or drug abuse, strong language, violence, or other topics readers might find triggering such as infertility and pregnancy loss. This is not an automatic rejection, but more sensitive readers will appreciate a heads-up.
Barter option *
Newsletter size
We're just curious. Not all newsletter subscribers are enrolled in KU.
Scheduling requests
If there is a specific week you'd like a promo to run, please let us know.
May we email you in the future about promotions? *
If yes, you will be added to our authors only mailing list. We will contact you about future promotion opportunities with us, barter or paid, probably monthly. You can unsubscribe at any time.
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