Experiences of Belonging
Assessing Vulnerabilities of Older Detroiters Within Changing Urban Environments
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Principal Investigator (PI):
Tam Perry, PhD
Wayne State University, School of Social Work
(734) 355-9446

Funding Source:
Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation  through Healthy Urban Waters (WSU)

Key Information about this Study
1. This is a research study about older adults and the environment. Your participation is voluntary.

2. If you decide to participate, you will be asked to complete a survey either through the computer or by paper.

3. There is the chance that the questions might make you sad or upset. In addition, it is possible that confidentiality will be breached, however we have taken precautions against this.

4. There are no direct benefits to you, however data from this research might be used to develop programs that help older adults in relationship to the environment.

5. You may choose to be entered into a drawing for an award equivalent of $50 for participation in the survey. We will take your name and contact information if you choose to be in the drawing. We will contact you if you are selected from the drawing.

You are being asked to be in a research study to understand how people experience, perceive and cope with climate change and other current changes within the natural environment in Detroit, MI. You are being asked to participate because you are aged 55 or older and are a current resident in Detroit. This study is being conducted by Wayne State University through an online and/or paper questionnaire. The estimated number of study participants to be enrolled is about 400.

Study Procedures
To take part in this study, you are being asked to complete a questionnaire. The questionnaire should take approximately 30 minutes to one hour. The topics will include:

● Your understanding and level of knowledge about climate change

● How changing environments affect your spiritual, psychological, and physical well-being

● Your thoughts on environmental policy priorities for Detroit residents

● In any publications or presentations, your names of yourselves and your family members will be changed

As a participant in this research study, there may be no direct benefit for you; however, information from this study may benefit other people now or in the future.
While risks in this study are minimal, by taking part in this study, you may experience the following:

● Emotional risks such as feelings of sadness or anxiety about the questions

● Social risks such as the loss of confidentiality

For taking part in this research study, you can choose to be entered into a drawing for an award equivalent of $50, for your time and inconvenience.
All information collected about you during this study will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law. You will be identified in the research records by a code name or number.
Voluntary Participation/Withdrawal
Taking part in this study is voluntary. You have the right to choose not to take part in this study. If you decide to take part in the study, you can later change your mind and withdraw from the study. You are free to only answer questions that you want to answer. You are free to withdraw from participation in this study at any time. Your decisions will not change any present or future relationship with Wayne State University or its affiliates, or other services you are entitled to receive.

If you have any questions about this study now or in the future, you may contact Dr. Tam Perry (313) 577-4402 or Research Project Director, Evan Villeneuve (313) 332-8267.
If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a research participant, the Chair of the Institutional Review Board can be contacted at (313) 577-1628. If you are unable to contact the research staff, or if you want to talk to someone other than the research staff, you may also call the Wayne State Research Subject Advocate at (313) 577-1628 to discuss problems, obtain information, or offer input.

By completing the interview, you are agreeing to participate in this study. For those who want to be contacted about future work on the environment in Detroit or future research studies, please provide the following:  Name, Phone number, and email.
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