Parsons Roadmap Signup
It's roadmap time again! Members of the Parsons community are getting together in February to discuss what our priorities should be this year.

The Community Roadmap Session will take place Thursday Feb 16th 2-3pm ET and will focus on community activities such as events, trainings, the Parsons blog/website, and more. If you have ideas or suggestions for what the Parsons community should focus on in the upcoming year, please join us!

The Technical Roadmap Session will take place Friday, February 24⋅3:30–4:30pm ET and will focus on improvements to the Parsons codebase and user experience. If you have ideas or suggestions for how to improve the Parsons library itself, including feature requests, new uses or components for the library, infrastructure improvements, etc, please join us.

Everyone is welcome at both sessions, regardless of background, experience, or previous participation in the Parsons community. If you'd like to come but aren't sure if you belong, worry no longer, we want you there. :)
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Help us prepare for the roadmap sessions by taking the Parsons Community Survey!
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