SpeakEase Beta User Survey form

Thank you for participating in the SpeakEase Beta program! Your feedback is valuable in shaping the future of our voice-enabled crypto wallet. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions.

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User Experience:

How did you first learn about SpeakEase?


User Experience:

How frequently do you use SpeakEase?


User Experience:

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall experience with SpeakEase?



How secure do you feel using SpeakEase for managing your cryptocurrencies? 



What specific security measures or features of SpeakEase contribute to your perception of its security?

(Please select all that apply:)


Voice-enabled Functionality:

Do you find the voice-enabled features of SpeakEase useful for managing your cryptocurrencies? 


Voice-enabled Functionality:

Did using voice commands enhance or simplify your user experience compared to traditional input methods (e.g., typing)?

Please select the option that best represents your experience:


Other Voice-enabled Applications usage:

Do you currently use any other voice-enabled applications or voice assistants? (Examples: Siri, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, etc.)


Other Voice-enabled Application usage:

If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please specify which voice-enabled applications or voice assistants you use and briefly describe how you use them.


How does your usage of other voice-enabled applications or voice assistants relate to your usage of SpeakEase?



In comparison to other voice-enabled software, how would you rate the overall user experience of SpeakEase?



Can voice technology enhance the user experience in other finance apps, such as banking apps?

Please select the option that best reflects your opinion:



In which other apps or services do you believe the adoption of voice technology would bring benefits?

Please select all that apply:








Geographic location:


Target Clients:

Based on your experience, who do you think would benefit the most from a voice-enabled crypto wallet like SpeakEase? (Select all that apply)



Would you recommend SpeakEase to others? If yes, please explain why. If no, please provide suggestions for improvement.



Feedback is crucial for us to improve SpeakEase. We value your insights and suggestions to enhance our voice-enabled crypto wallet. Please take a moment to share any feedback you have about SpeakEase. Your input is greatly appreciated, and it will help us make the necessary improvements to deliver an exceptional user experience. Thank you for your valuable feedback!

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