Production Planning and Control
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1. The bill of material does not consists of *
2. Procurement cycle time is time consumed for *
3. Master schedule is prepared for *
4. Gantt chart is mostly used for *
5. Key to chart is provided in *
6. Both Rowan plan and 50-50 Halsey plan will provide the same earning when the actual time is _________ the standard time. *
7. In break-even analysis, total cost consists of *
8.Which one of the following techniques is used for determining allowances in time study? *
9. Routing is essential in the following type of industry *
10. The disadvantage of product layout is *
11. Which one of the following is NOT a decision taken during the aggregate production planning stage? *
12. Vehicle manufacturing assembly line is an example of *
13. Which of the following forecasting methods takes a fraction of forecast error into account for the next period forecast? *
14. The word kanban is most appropriately associated with *
15. In simple exponential smoothing forecasting, to give higher weightage to recent demand information, the smoothing constant must be close to *
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