Code of Conduct LSL Coaching Staff 
Please review the Leagues Coaching Manual along with the Code of Conduct. Each Team-Coaching Staff needs to abide by the league rules & review the new updated Ontario Soccer spectators discipline memo. 
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Club Name  *
Age Div  *
I hereby declare that I have read and understand the rules and regulations of the
Lakeshore Soccer League, and that I will abide by them. I also declare that I am aware
that as a Coach I have no authority to request rule changes from the Referee or
League and that any requests to the League or Referee must be made through the
Electronic Signature  *
Do you have any feedback as we start the season? This will be discussed and looked at in the Fall as we do are year in wrap up.

Thank you from The league on stepping up and coaching this season. We look forward to some great soccer being played on the pitches this summer. 
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