IceBreaker evaluation
Hi! Thank you for participating in the IceBreaker and for taking the time to fill out this evaluation form. Your feedback is greatly valued and will help us make future events better, more engaging and fun.
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What's your overall impression of the event?
How did you find out about the event?
How did you find Harri Vaarala's presentation?
Really cool
How did you find Isla Tanaka's presentation?
Really cool
How did you find Johan Ratoavinarivo's presentation?
Really cool
How did you find Timo Perälä's presentation?
Really cool
How did you find the Q&A session?
Really cool
How did you find the check-in with Anders Swanson?
Really cool
How did you find the ride-along with Pekka Tahkola?
Really cool
How was Petra Necasova doing as the moderator?
Quite poorly
Very well
How did you feel during the event?
What can we do to make future IceBreakers better?
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