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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student  ID Number
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CISD School Name: 
If out of District: State District Name
Student Grade ( 23-24 school year) *
Parents Name *
Parents Phone Number *
Parent's Email *
Emergency Contact *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Allergies, dietary restrictions  *
Special Education or 504  IEP *
STEAM Pathways: 

    1. Garage Band Music Experience: Explore the science of sound with Garage Band's innovative music app.

    2. Show Choir: Harmonize vocal artistry with the science of acoustics for dynamic performances.

    3. Ceramic Sculpture Engineering: Merge creativity with engineering in hands-on ceramic sculpting.

    4. Introduction to Piano: Blend piano fundamentals with the physics of sound for a deeper musical understanding.

    5. Cultural Dances (Afro-Modern and Latino Dance): Experience the fusion of biomechanics with the vibrancy of cultural dances.

    6. Theater: Elevate acting with techniques that integrate theatrical arts and sound engineering.

    7. Class is now Full: Culinary Arts and Design: Delve into the chemistry of cooking, crafting precise culinary creations.  *Class is now Full*

    8. Architecture Design and Engineering: Design inspiring structures through a fusion of architectural innovation and engineering. ( 5 slots left)

    9. Music Beat Technology: Combine creative technology to craft beats in music production. (5 slots left)

    10. Engineering Sketching and the Arts: Enhance drafting skills by integrating engineering precision with artistic design. (only 5 spots left)

    11. Color Guard Dancing: Create stunning performances with a mix of color, choreography, and mechanics.

    12. Photography Architecture Course: Discover the art of capturing architectural beauty through photography. (10 spots left)

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