Hair & Makeup Team Application 2024
Thank you for taking your time to apply. Please follow us on Instagram for updates. @the_fashiontalks @fashiontalksfoundation

Show Date: June 23th, 2024
Show Venue: Renaissance Hotel Cleveland
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Full Name *
Email Address *
Cell phone number *
Have you ever done runway or editorial hair/makeup? (preferred but not mandatory) *
Instagram of the makeup or hair outlet you represent or your Insta. *
What type of service do you offer? *
Do you have a versatile and sanitary hair and/or makeup kit, suitable for all skin tones and hair textures?   
Your website (or link to portfolio) if any
Have you ever been featured in a Fashion Show before? If yes, where?
Clear selection
Terms of Arrangement: As a participant we want to share with you some our expectations from an event production point of view.• Fashion Talks accepts no responsibility for any other costs associated with your participation in the show such as: travel expenses, dry cleaning expenses, etc.• You will agree to promote Fashion Talks on your personal social media sites on a regular basis to spread the word as much as possible about your participation in the Runway Show• You will agree not to steal, damage or violate any of the property belonging to Fashion Talks or the venue where the show / dress rehearsal is held• Given the amount of work and exposure for your leading up to the event - the agreement is binding• You agree to respect all volunteers, participants, team members, sponsors and anyone else involved, which also indicates that you must respect the work of others ie: makeup artist, stylists, etc.•  You agree that you are 18 or older. This is absolutely non-negotiable. Upon agreeing that you are of age of majority you have full power and authority to execute this contract• You must communicate with the Fashion Talks team and submit items by deadlines to ensure a smooth event• Fashion Talks accepts no responsibility for lost or damaged property during the event nor will we be responsible for any costs arising from accidents and/or illness incurred during the event• You will be provided water and food on the day of the event but we do recommend you bring snacks or additional drinks to stay hydrated• You are aware that this is a professional work environment and understand that if you appear to be under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, displaying inappropriate or offensive behavior you will be asked to leave immediately. If you are asked to leave you must evacuate the premises immediately without causing any display of poor character and your contract and participation will be immediately void. You will also be banned from participating at future Fashion Talks events. If required certain situations the police will be involved if necessary• You acknowledge and understand that you will be photographed and / or videotaped at all rehearsals, castings and shows and that all photography is owned by Fashion Talks or the Photographers. As such, whenever you share one of your photos on social media you will always credit Fashion Talks as well as the photographer, Designer, hair and makeup sponsor and give deserved recognition to all parties involved. *
Tell us about you and let us know if you have any questions! Thank you for taking your time to apply. We will be reaching out to everyone at the latest by April. Please follow us on Instagram for updates. @the_fashiontalks @fashiontalksfoundation
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