Heritage Day Sign-Up Form
We are excited to celebrate, share, and learn about the heritage of our students at Aristoi Classical Academy. We encourage parents’ participation in telling us more about your child’s family heritage. A display can be as simple as a poster board, to something more elaborate like a display of toys, items, and/or games that originated in their country.  Each family’s participation will certainly add to a broad and varied offering of arts, demonstrations, exhibits and more.

Aristoi Classical Academy, in conjunction with Aristoi Classical Academy PTO and Aristoi Booster Club (ABC) are happy to offer you a table to display your information on a first-come, first-served basis.
Thank you for your willingness to share your heritage with Aristoi!

Please join us  Tuesday, February 6th
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Upper School Campus - Griffin Center 

Set up time: 5:00 PM

Please complete the form below by  Friday February 2, 2024.

E-mail any questions to gbalestrini@aristoiclassical.org.

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Student Name: *
Grade: *
Parent Name: *
Phone Number: *
Email: *
Heritage/Country: *
Type of display: *
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