HTC Fall Play 2024 Crew FAQ Contract Form
Complete this form as part of the application process for joining the Hannon Theatre Crew for Loyola's upcoming fall play production.  Please answer each question with careful consideration.  You may save your progress and return to the form, but once you submit the form, your responses cannot be changed.

If you have any questions, please feel free to direct your emails to 
Hans Zhang (Stage Manager) at
or Mr. Kuhl (Producer) at

Email *
Crew FAQ
What is Hannon Theatre crew?

The crew is responsible for the construction of the set for every Hannon Theatre performance. Furthermore, the entire lighting and sound departments of the theatre are student-run. Students participating in Hannon Theatre Company crew will be exposed to construction, scenic painting, theatrical lighting and sound, and general theatre operating procedures.

What is the time commitment expected of HTC crew members?

Students involved in the crew are called Saturdays for one of two sessions (10:00am - 2:00pm or 1:30pm - 5:30pm).  As the production period progresses, dismissal times may be extended, and Paint Days begin as an option for an additional session (Thursdays, 2:30 - 6:00pm).  The basic requirement is that all crew members consistently attend their chosen session and remain present for the entirety of their session.  Students unable to maintain this commitment will be taken into consideration when selecting the running crew and may even be asked to leave the company.  Communication with the Student Technical Director and Stage Manager are essential in managing student schedules.

Who is the Producer?

The Producer oversees all aspects of Hannon Theatre Company productions from start to finish.  Some of these responsibilities include, but are not limited to, controlling how the budget is spent, organizing stage crew and stage management functions, providing casting support, collaborating creatively with all directors and company members, ensuring legal compliance, maintaining the company website, and managing the box office.

Who is the Artistic Director?

The Artistic Director is responsible for transforming an artistic vision into a physical production for the public. This vital role requires much time and energy, and the director should be appreciated as having such a role. The director runs the rehearsals and becomes more involved with the running crew once technical rehearsals have begun.

Who is the Stage Manager?

The Stage Manager is responsible for the operation of rehearsals and performances.  Contact the Stage Manager if you have an important issue with the production, such as an issue with another company member that cannot be resolved by the Student Technical Director.  The Stage Manager is the second contact in the communication hierarchy for most things theatre-related (after the Student Technical Director).

Who is the Scenic Designer?

The Scenic Designer is responsible for translating the directors vision of the show into a design concept to be used by the Technical Director to create the set.  The Scenic Designer draws the initial set drawings and manages the properties for the show, as well as the Box Office.  The Scenic Designer and the Student Technical Director supervise the paint sessions on Thursdays during the regular production period.

Who is the Technical Director?

The Technical Director (TD) is responsible for taking the designs of the Scenic Designer and Director and translating the concepts and drawings into physical construction plans.  The TD is responsible for ensuring all the technical aspects of the show fall into place.  The TD, in conjunction with the Scenic Designer and the Student Tech. Director, is responsible for supervising crew sessions.

Who is the Student Master Carpenter?

The Student Master Carpenter is comparable to the foreman of a construction site; he ensures the plans of the Technical Director are made into a reality.  The Student Master Carpenter and the Technical Director supervise crew sessions on Saturdays.  The Student Master Carpenter and the Scenic Designer supervise crew sessions on Wednesdays (paint sessions).  The Student Master Carpenter is the first contact for most issues crew-related.
How should Loyola High School Hannon Theatre Company equipment and facilities be cared for?

Always treat all equipment with respect.  Tools, properties (props), costumes, set pieces, technical equipment, printed materials, and anything else handled by the company should be cared for and returned to its proper place.

What is the running crew?

The running crew consists of the crew members responsible for completing the set and running the show during dress rehearsals and performances.   Running crew members are chosen based on hours served, work effort observed, interaction with others, etc.  The tech week schedule is strenuous and should be reviewed (see the calendar) before accepting a role on the running crew.
What is strike?

Strike is the post-production activity of returning and sorting costumes, dismantling the set, and any other activity related to preparing the theatre for the next production.  Strike usually is held on the Monday, Tuesday following the last performance from 2:30-7pm and is mandatory for all company members.

What are your Flu and Covid-19 vaccination policies?

Every student who participates in stage crew is highly encouraged to meet the follow vaccination requirements:

1. has received the most up-to-date Flu vaccination

2. is "up-to-date" with the Covid-19 vaccinations

3. is willing to get the lasted Covid-19 updated vaccination when it becomes available. 

What contact information should I have?

Stage Manager: Hans Zhang

Artistic Director: Walter Wolfe

Producer: Mr. Kuhl

LHS Security: (213) 381-5121 x 1901
I have read and agree to the policies contained above within the Crew FAQ section. *
Crew Parent FAQ
What is the time commitment expected of HTC crew members?

Students involved in the crew are called Saturdays for one of two sessions (10:00am - 2:00pm or 1:30pm - 5:30pm).  As the production period progresses, dismissal times may be extended, and Paint Days begin as an option for an additional session (Thursdays, 2:30 - 6:00pm).  The basic requirement is that all crew members consistently attend their chosen session and remain present for the entirety of their session.  Students unable to maintain this commitment will be taken into consideration when selecting the running crew and may even be asked to leave the company.  Communication with the Student Technical Director and Stage Manager are essential in managing student schedules.

What is the policy with pick-ups after rehearsal?

The Student Master Carpenter is responsible for ensuring the Technical Director releases crew members at the scheduled dismissal time for every crew session.  As a result, it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that crew members are picked up at the dismissal time.  If you are running late, either let your son/daughter know so he can alert the Student Technical Director, or alert the Student Technical Director himself.  This way the appropriate accommodations with the Loyola High School security staff can be made.
What are the photography and video policies?

Photography and videography of any kind during the performances is strictly prohibited.  Loyola High School enters into contracts for its performances and may be sued if any photography or video is recorded.  Crew members are invited to purchase a CD of production stills taken by a professional photographer for $50; they may be purchased through the Stage Manager at any time and will be delivered after the production period.

Can my son/daughter host a company party during the performance period?

No.  Please do not allow students to host parties for the entire or partial company at your home or at another location.  Please do not condone any student planning, hosting, or attending any party which takes place after performances. High school students are developmentally unable to assess their own level of fatigue. Because they are on an adrenaline high after a performance, they often mistake that temporary euphoria for the ability to function at their maximum potential, when in fact they are operating with depleted energy and concentration skills. Rest should be encouraged vehemently to ensure their safety and to allow for them to recuperate for the next performance.  A single company party is held after the final performance and is organized by the student Theatre Council.
Are visitors allowed to observe crew sessions / enter the theatre?

Barring emergencies or early pick-ups, no outside access is permitted to the theatre during crew sessions.  This policy is in place for liability and safety reasons as well as preserving the artistic image of the production before performances.  A break is offered to students to enjoy a prepared snack or purchase food from Zlicious, the vendor on campus.

What is the running crew?

The running crew consists of the crew members responsible for completing the set and running the show during dress rehearsals and performances.   Running crew members are chosen based on hours served, work effort observed, interaction with others, etc.  The tech week schedule is strenuous and should be reviewed (see the calendar) with your son/daughter before he/she accepts a role on the running crew.
What is strike?

Strike is the post-production activity of returning and sorting costumes, dismantling the set, and any other activity related to preparing the theatre for the next production.  Strike is held on the Monday and Tuesday following the last performance from 2:45 - 7pm and is mandatory for all company members.

What are your Flu and Covid-19 vaccination policies?

Every student who participates in stage crew is highly encouraged to meet the follow vaccination requirements:

1. has received the most up-to-date Flu vaccination

2. is "up-to-date" with the Covid-19 vaccinations

3. is willing to get the lasted Covid-19 updated vaccination when it becomes available. 

What contact information should I have?

Stage Manager: Hans Zhang

Artistic Director: Walter Wolfe

Producer: Mr. Kuhl

LHS Security: (213) 381-5121 x 1901
I have read and agree to the policies contained above within the Crew Parents FAQ section. *
Statement of Agreement
We agree to abide by the conditions set forth in the Hannon Theatre FAQ pages.  We realize that failure to adhere to these stipulations may result in one’s dismissal from the company.  

Furthermore, I understand that I will need to refresh my memory of these sections as the construction process proceeds. 

In addition, leaders of the theatre company in consultation with the entire membership may be revising and augmenting the FAQ pages to address the specific needs and concerns of this production and the entire company .  I agree to abide by any new rules, regulations, and consequences decided upon through this democratic process.  
Student Participant's Signature *
Your full name below constitutes a binding signature.
Primary Parent's Name *
Secondary Parent's Name *
I live with: *
Parent or Legal Guardian's Signature *
Your full name below constitutes a binding signature.
Relationship to student *
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