Engaged Thought Leaders LinkedIn Community
Want to join the engaged thoughts leaders community with a focus on LinkedIn? Join our waitlist by filling out this form and let us know you are interested in being a founding member. Our goal is to start the community with 16 founding members. 

We are looking to create a community of people who are kind, giving and love to share.

If you are generous and a giver and want to be around other generous givers apply to our waitlist so we can understand who wants to be part of this community to create something special.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Are you willing & able to invest $97 per month to be a long term member of the community?  *
Are you willing to create a valuable piece of content to post on LinkedIn at least once a week and share it with member of the community so they can engage with it? *
Are you comfortable doing video and being on LinkedIn Live presenting about your expertise? *
Are you willing to be an engaged member in our community and engage on valuable posts at least weekly? *
Are you willing to be a group leader and host your own meetings monthly in the community on a niche topic you are passionate about? *
What version of LinkedIn do you have? *
How many LinkedIn followers do you have? *
What is your LinkedIn URL? *
What is your email address? *
What is your Mobile number? *
Do you use Whatsapp?
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What topics to do you cover in your thought leadership?
Why do you want to join this community of engaged thought leaders?
What else can you tell us about why we should prioritize you on the waitlist?
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