Full Financial Solutions - Introduction Survey

- COACHING (Money coaching, Career coaching, Entrepreneur development coaching)

- FINANCIAL PLANNING (traditional services performed at a higher lever than you have experienced to date)

- ADVANCED WEALTH SOLUTIONS (the skills, strategies and solutions that the rich use to get richer - far beyond what traditional advisors and brokers offer)

Your time is valuable, and to ensure that our first meeting is as beneficial to you as possible, this survey provides both you and I with a road map of where you want assistance as well as helping you to uncover other areas that you didn't realise needed attention.

Traditional financial advisors and brokers only give limited advice centered around the products they sell, and in this they only cater for one of the 3 main areas of need that this Full Financial Solutions Model assists with.

Do you really only want 1/3rd of what you could have?

In order for you to have a stronger financial reality it is important that you gain a more in depth and holistic overview of where your needs and goals are. This survey will help towards this.

This should take you 10 minutes but will save an hour of face-to-face meeting time and will allow our first meeting to provide you with powerful insights and benefits.

"If you want your financial reality to improve, changes must be made, and the sooner the better."
~Steve Hughes

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Which of our services do you feel you may need support or guidance in? (this is purely for information purposes and you are in no way obligated to use our services) *
Yes Please
Maybe (would like more information)
No Thanks
Money coaching (debt management, budget management, setting and getting goals, Changing limiting attitutes, etc.)
Other coaching (Career, Side Hustle, other)
Better Financial planning (investments, Insurances, Medical aid, Wills, etc.)
Advanced Financial Solutions (Wealth Engineering, alternative investment options, offshore solutions, etc.)
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