SPPS P&C Membership Form 2023
Want to participate in decision-making that affects the quality of your child’s school experience?

Our P&C Association is a not-for-profit organisation, established to promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation. We facilitate change, progress and community engagement where we see the need. We help to shape the school to cater to the needs of its community, and to make a real difference for students and their future.

Annual membership is $1 and entitles you to be involved in the decision making of P&C. You must be a member to vote at meetings, including the AGM, or to nominate yourself or others for Office Bearer positions.

You are recognised as a financial member after paying membership and attending one meeting. Members agree to follow the P&C Constitution, by-laws, Code of Conduct and sub-committee rules – see https://www.sppspandc.org.au/formaldocumentation.

Please complete this form. Payment may be made at the P&C on-line store, with direct debit to P&C's bank account, or to the Treasurer via the School Office.

Your participation and contribution will be greatly appreciated, we look forward to welcoming you as a new member!

Questions?: Contact stpeterspandc@gmail.com

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Email *
Name *
Relationship to the school *
Phone *
My skills / interests
I’m interested in joining the following subcommittee/s
Membership fee payment via • cash, • direct deposit, or • P&C on-line store:
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Member Enrolment Declaration *
Name and class of my child/ren currently enrolled at SPPS (if any)
Comments and/or questions
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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