For approximately how long have you been aware of the Aventuras brand? Please select one of the following options: *
How did you first hear about Aventuras surfboards? *
Have you ever purchased an Aventuras surfboard? *
If you've purchased an Aventuras surfboard before, please select the #1 motivating factor for buying Aventuras instead of another brand (if you haven't bought one yet, select "Haven't bought yet"): *
If you've never purchased an Aventuras surfboard before, please select the #1 reason why you're not currently interested in doing so (if you've already bought, select "Already bought" below): *
If you recently chose to buy another soft top surfboard instead of Aventuras, which brand did you purchase? If not, select "N/A" below. *
How do you evaluate surfboards and decide which one to buy? Please select all of the options below which are persuasive in your decision-making process: *
On a scale of 1 (least likely) to 10 (most likely), how likely are you to recommend Aventuras surfboards to others *
Least Likely
Most Likely
Are there any other thoughts you would like to add that would help us improve?
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