Full event program coming soon!
October 25th:
Check-in - 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Rosary for the unborn: 5:20 PM
Opening banquet - 6 PM
Opening remarks - 6:25 PM
Eric Scheidler: Keynote Address- 6:30 PM
Social hour - 8 PM
Evening dismissal - 9 PM
October 26th:
Breakfast - 8 AM
Will Witt - 9 AM
Allan Parker, Jr.: Law, Advocacy, and the Pro-Life Cause -10:30 AM
Strategy Session - 11:45 AM
Lunch - 12:15 PM
Dr. Catherine Wheeler: The Horrors of Abortion - 1:30 PM
Service projects - 3 PM
Concluding remarks - 3:45-4 PM