Onboarding process
You will begin the onboarding process, by completing this questionnaire. We will then have a download session where we will connect dots to make sense of things and instantly flip the switches in your mind of what is creating the life you don't want. This questionnaire helps us gain a lot of time so please take your time with it. The information provided in the questionnaire will allow us to dive right into the deeper work from the very first session.

Weekly or Bi-Weekly Zoom Call

The core of our work together will take place weekly over Zoom. This session will be recorded and provided to you in Kajabi. Each session is focused on what you need for your best healing and internal development, often led by my intuitive guidance, you'll leave feeling each session lighter, more clear, and confident that you got exactly what you needed.  Each zoom session will be 60 to 90 minutes.

Homework & PDFs
You will receive specific practices tailored to your own needs and evolution. As this work is very deep, it is highly recommended to rewatch each session to maximize its impact.

Personal Support
I will also coach you and guide you between sessions when you need advice and clarity, via text or vocal message on Voxer. This time between sessions is where real life, triggers and changes occur and I can support your evolution. My clients love the opportunity to have access to me between sessions, they call it "Rita in My Pocket"
 I don't wait for our next session to support you with what comes up for you so I can also focus on delivering the teaching and the healing you need during our session.

This method is very different from traditional therapy, psychology and common approaches. 
Please note that as everything is tailored for each individual needs, my approach changes and adapts according to that.
Yet, you will receive the wisdom, the tools and strategies to be empowered and confident to handle things on your own.
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Email *
What is your full name? *
What is your best email address? *
What is the best phone number to send you text messages or call you via WhatsApp/Voxer? *
What is your instagram handle? *
Do you know your Human Design?
If you dont know, type your birthdate and time born

What is the specific PROBLEM or STRUGGLE that you are experiencing right now? 

Give as much detail as possible.

What circumstances are currently present in your life? 
What do you have that you don't want?
What do you NOT have that you DO want?
Why haven't you been able to solve this problem? *
What are your motivations and aspirations for applying to or joining this mentorship program?
Where would you like to be more empowered, and what's stopping you? *
How would you describe your current level of authenticity and embodiment in your online expression on social media?
What is your diet and lifestyle like? *
What specific goals or milestones would you like to achieve through this mentorship program?
Why do you want to be mentored by Rita? *
Why should you be accepted into the program to work 1:1 with Rita? *
Is there any additional information or context you would like to share about yourself, your financial situation, or your readiness to embark on this mentorship journey?
What are your dreams and passions in life? *
What are naturally good at that people ask you for help with or ask for advice about?
What do you wish you could do with your life and make money doing? *
How do you ENVISION yourself showing up online?
What is stopping you?
What is a big challenge that you have personally overcome? *You can list as many as you want *
What were the steps you took to overcome that challenge (or those challenges) and make that transformation? *
What didn't you receive as a child? In other words, how were you neglected or abandoned 
(Rita's real life example: As a child, Rita didn't receive love through emotional/verbal support or encouragement from either parent - instead, she received acts of service from both parents...so as an adult she craves words of affirmation)
Do you know your MAIN love language? Select one or two top love languages. Hint: It is very likely what you didn't get as a child. Discover yours here: https://5lovelanguages.com *
If there was one message you could share with the world, what would it be? *
Who do you feel you are here to serve? *
Do you take any medications? If so, please list: *
Do you drink alcohol or take recreational drugs? If so which ones and what is the frequency? *
Is there anything holding you back from loving and accepting your body?  *
What would you like to learn about your sexuality or the balance of masculine/feminine energy? How do you currently feel around this topic? *
Do you have any self-care or self-pleasure rituals? 
Answer Yes or No and explain.
What subconscious limiting beliefs are you aware of that have blocked you in the past, or currently block you? *
Are you in a relationship? 
What do you like about it? 
What do you wish was different?
Are you currently working with any therapists, coaches, or healers? Please list them. *
Do you hold shame from anything in your life?
If you feel comfortable sharing details about it here, please do. I will keep it confidential. It will help me to understand what might be blocking your authentic self-expression. 
Anything else you'd like to share that will help me understand you and what you desire? *
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