Composed Nutrition | Introductory Call Application
Complete the application to schedule a free 20-minute introductory call to learn about my offers and see if we are a good fit!

You are a good fit if you need help with: 
✓reducing period symptoms
✓irregular periods
✓PCOS - polycystic ovarian syndrome (diagnosed or suspected)
endometriosis (diagnosed or suspected)
any other period-related problems or symptoms
stopping birth control
fertility support (now or in the future)
fertility support post-miscarriage

You may also be experiencing gut issues, be struggling with your relationship to food, and want to learn nutrition and lifestyle tools to better mange stress and anxiety. My nutrition philosophy is rooted in intuitive eating and health at every size.

Krista will contact appropriate candidates via email to schedule your introductory call. Must be located in the US.

Krista King, MS, RDN, LDN, IFCNP
Integrative Dietitian + Fertility Awareness Educator
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Today's Date *
Name *
Birthdate *
What state do you live in? I can only work with those located in the US. *
Phone *
Are you looking for help with menstrual health, hormones, or fertility? *
If you are looking for help with fertility, select all that apply: *
Are you looking for help with gut health? *
Are you looking for help with anxiety, body image, or relationship to food? *
List your three main health goals: *
List your three main health concerns: *
Did something trigger you to make a change in your health? *
What have you tried so far? What has worked, what hasn't worked? *
Describe what your health journey has been like so far and feel free to share any frustrations: *
What is your health vision or what does ideal health mean to you? What does success look like for you if we work together? *
Why are you interested in working with Krista? *
Which offer are you most interested in? Each offer is linked above.
How ready are you to invest time, energy, and finances into your health right now? *
I do not accept health insurance. I accept all major credit cards, HSA, and FSA. Is this a problem for you? *
If we are a good fit, how soon can you start? *
How did you hear about Composed Nutrition? *
I would like to be added to the Composed Nutrition mailing list to receive resources, updates, and offers. *
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