请选择您有提供上门教学的州属,如只提供线上教学,请勿选择任何州属。 Please tick any state that you willing to provide in person tuition. If you prefer to teach only ONLY, please don't tick any state.
教学程度 Teaching standard (可选多个 Multiple selection) *
教学地区 Teaching area *
如:八打灵、梳邦再也,等等 Such as Petaling Jaya, Subang, etc
Your answer
自我简介 Self introduction *
Your answer
最高学历 Highest academy qualification *
科系 Course
如:学前教育,会计,等等 Such as Early childhood education, Accounting, etc
Your answer
学府名称 Institute name
如:马来亚大学,英迪吉隆坡国际学院,等等 Such as University of Malaya, INTI International College Kuala Lumpur, etc
Your answer
每小时收费 Hourly rate
如不确定市价,可留空 Leave blank if unsure of market rate
Your answer
有兴趣的工作编号 Interested job number
如无,则留空 Leave blank if no
Your answer
请问您从何处得知我们? How did you hear about us? *
是否愿意通过网络教学?Do you plan to teach online? *
教学经验 Teaching experience *
Your answer
其他问题或资讯 Anything else that you want to share with us or ask