ST PETE Mezzo Market Winter/Spring 2025 WAITLIST Application:

Update: We have made our final selections but still have the waitlists open for all 6 markets between January-May 2025. If you apply on or after December 7th, we will automatically add you to the waitlist for the dates you apply for. You will not receive email correspondence from us unless a spot becomes available for you. Thank you so much for your support and interest in vending with us, we wish we had room for everyone! 


We have SIX Mezzo Market dates between January-May 2025. Our Winter/Spring 2025 dates are: JANUARY 18TH, FEBRUARY 15TH, MARCH 8TH, MARCH 29TH, APRIL 19TH, & MAY 10TH
*The market will run 11am-4pm for all dates like usual!

*For accepted vendors, load in on market days begins at 8am*

ABOUT MEZZO MARKET: Mezzo Market St Pete is a curated outdoor street market hosted on Baum Avenue between Intermezzo Coffee and Green Bench Brewing in Downtown St Pete. We host 140+ small business vendors selling vintage goods, handmade wares, clothing, art, plants, jewelry, food and drinks & more! The vibe is always amazing at Mezzo Market and we have an incredible community of small business vendors and local patrons to thank for that!


1. $125 (10x10 tent space), $250 (mobile space 20 feet or under), $250 (10X20 double tent space) is due upon acceptance. We will send you a square invoice to complete via email. *Prices do not include taxes and fees*

2. Tent weights are mandatory! Standard size (20-40lbs). We recommend 2 per leg minimum (8 total). 

3. A clean & functional 10x10 tent (preferably a WHITE STRAIGHT LEG TENT) & all other supplies needed (tables, tablecloths, tarps, displays, etc). We do not provide any supplies for vendors, just the space. 

4. Promote! Post to social media using our flier (Will be sent closer to market dates as they are completed)


You will be able to apply for ALL 6 dates that you are available for on this application at the same time. Apply for one, two, or apply for them all! It is not necessary to apply for all 6 to be selected, although you are absolutely welcome to! Please apply for all dates you are interested in vending.

*Please note: If you apply on or after December 7th, you will automatically be added to the waitlist for the dates you applied for.    

ACCEPTANCE & WAITLIST EMAILS FOR ALL WINTER/SPRING 2025 DATES will be sent on December 12th. If you applied between November 15-December 6, you will know the status of ALL of your winter/spring (Jan-May 2025) applications on December 12th when acceptance and waitlist emails are sent.  If you are accepted for 1 or more dates, the payment due dates will be included in that email as well as details on how to pay. Please be sure to pay on time as we always have a long waitlist and any accepted vendor that does not pay on time will forfeit their spot. If you are able, we recommend paying as soon as you receive your acceptance email & invoice so you’re less likely to forget. 

If you are not accepted, you will be automatically added to the waitlist for the month(s) you applied for & will get an email confirmation stating this on DECEMBER 12TH. We will reach out to waitlist vendors if we have any spots open up. Thank you for understanding our space limitations. We wish we had room for everyone! 


☀︎ All Winter/Spring applications OPEN: November 15th 9am

☀︎ All Winter/Spring applications CLOSE: December 6th at midnight 

☀︎ All Winter/Spring acceptance & waitlist emails will be sent: December 12th (from anywhere between 10am-8pm)

*Please note: If you apply on or after December 7th, you will automatically be added to the waitlist for the dates you applied for.    


*Payment is only due after acceptance. All vendors will know the status of their 2025  application(s) on December 12th when we send acceptance & waitlist emails.

☀︎ January 18th market: due Monday December 16th 

☀︎ February 15th market: due Monday January 13th

☀︎ March 8th market: due Monday February 17th 

☀︎ March 29th market: due Monday March 10th 

☀︎ April 19th market: due Monday March 24th 

☀︎ May 10th market: due Monday April 7th

*Accepted vendors: please make sure you pay your vendor fees on or before the payment deadlines or you will forfeit your spot and may not be considered for future markets. If something comes up and you can no longer attend a market you were accepted for, please communicate as soon as you know via email (communication is everything!).

Thank you so much everyone, we appreciate your interest in vending with us!

Michelle & Jarrett 

Mezzo Market Coordinators 

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