List of People Interested in Dzogchen Teachings and Transmission
This form is for people who would like to learn, whenever that would be possible, about the possibility of receiving Transmission. If the Dzamling Gar Gakyil would have any news about it, we would send you  information about it.
Name and Surname

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The undersigned gives permission for the treatment of personal data, for the single purpose of internal management within the Association Comunitá Dzogchen (L.O. 15/1999, December 13th) | El abajo firmante da permiso para el tratamiento de sus datos personales, con el único propósito de uso interno dentro de la Asociación Comunidad Dzogchen (L.O. 15/1999 de 13 de Diciembre) | Я, нижеподписавшийся, даю разрешение на обработку моих персональных данных для Дзогчен  Общины (L.O. 15/1999, 13 декабря):
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