FlipTech2021 Anticipated Free Attendee Form
FlipTech2021  is a free virtual gathering that is all about "Looking Forward".  FlipTech2021 models the flipped learning method by providing pre-conference presentations addressing a variety of types and topics that will be delivered to participants digitally.
Presenters will each have a live discussion session to dive deeper into their topic, answer questions, and interact live with participants.  

This conference is about providing a virtual gathering free to all participants in this time of transition.
The goal is a community of educators meeting the needs of the community of educators.

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This event is FREE.  By completing this form you are in no way obligated to attend. We are only asking for your information so that we can provide you the schedule of events and information about presentations and presenters as they are locked-in. We would also like your input as to what types of topics are of interest to you, and we will try to find an expert to help from our community of educators.  Is this something you would be interested in? *
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What school or company do you work with? *
What is your email address that you will be checking semi-regularly between now and July 13th to be used for FlipTech2021 communications? *
What age group do you work with? *
What content area do you work with?
What is your City, state, and country? *
How did you hear about FlipTech2021?
Which days are you anticipating participating in a chat? https://bit.ly/fliptech2021schedule 
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