SMS 2023-24 Volunteer Interest Survey
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Sedgefield Middle School!

If you are interested in joining a committee or have special skills and/or services you'd like to share, please select your areas of interest and the PTO will contact you.

PLEASE NOTE! Filling out this form does not commit you to a volunteer position. This form is only used to share your areas of interest. You may check as many areas as you like. 

If you own or are involved with a business that might provide goods and/or services that could help our school, please complete the full survey. We will not share your information. If you wish to be removed from our goods and services list at any time, you may contact the PTO at
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Email *
Volunteer First and Last Name *
Volunteer Cell Phone *
Student First and Last Name *
Student Grade *
Volunteer Opportunities - please check all that apply
Vendor & Sponsorship Opportunities - Business Name
Are you able to donate services and/or items for various PTO events such as Staff Appreciation, family events, student incentives, etc?
Clear selection
Describe goods and/or services you might offer (for example, food trucks, DJ, art classes, landscaping, etc)
May we contact your business to be a corporate sponsor for our Empowering Extraordinary fundraising campaign?
Clear selection
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