Supplier Interest Form
Hello, we understand you are interested in being a supplier for the Food and Meat Co-op. We are excited to be able to support local businesses. As you can imagine, we only have the capacity and ability to support so many suppliers. We also have to follow guidelines given to us by the USDA. Therefore, we ask that you fill out this form so we can get to know you a little bit before meeting.
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What is the Name of your Company?
What is the contacts name?
Phone Number
What product or products do you sell? *
Do you have labeling for your product? *
Does your labeling include all ingredients along with allergens? *
If you sell meat, do you have a USDA bug? See image for example *
Captionless Image
Where do you currently sell your product? *
Do you offer wholesale pricing? *
Is there anything else you would like to share with us about your business?
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