Content Creator Application
Apply to be apart of our team! Builder, skin artist, graphic designer, render artist, modelers, developers - we have space for them all! Please note that if accepted you will move to stage two of our acceptance process.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Online Alias / Name *
Discord Contact *
How many years have you been creating your specified content? *
If less than one year select this
Have you ever built for a paid commission? *
Are you currently in a Minecraft content creation team or a staff role?
If yes where?
Please link your portfolio here. If you have files, please upload them to Imgur or a website similar and provide the link. *
What genre or theme do you excel in *
Please check all the following that apply
Do you have any skills besides building that you believe can benefit the team? Is there anything we should know about you?
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