RSVP Form - Practical Orthodoxy, Season 3 - The Fathers of the Church
We're glad that you want to join us for Season 3 of Practical Orthodoxy. We'll meet 6 Thursday evenings in a row from 7:00 to 8:15 at St. Andrew in East Lansing to discuss the "the Fathers". That is, what do we mean when we talk about "The Fathers of the Church"? What role have "The Fathers" played in this church throughout history and in our current time? This is going to include discussions of the 7 Ecumenical Councils and the lives of several saints. 

Fill out the questions below and click "submit" at the bottom to RSVP and Fr. Dn. Andrew will send you an email in the coming days with more information
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What is your email address? *
Which sessions are you interested in joining?
Are you planning on joining us in person at St. Andrew? or joining us remotely via Zoom?
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Do you have any other questions or information to share? 

(For example, "I want to join on Zoom, but I've never been on a Zoom call before. I'll probably need some help.") 
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