Livestock Management
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Which of the following are allowed for use in CNG livestock production: (select all that apply) *
1 point
A goat dairy is hoping to get CNG certified, but they would like to certify their Alpine and Nubian does, but exclude their LaManchas from certification. Is it allowed for a CNG producer to certify only part of their herd of goats? *
1 point
A steer has a run-in with a barbed wire fence and cuts up one of his legs. Noticing that the wounds are getting infected, the CNG producer, responsibly, calls the vet and the steer is treated with antibiotics. The steer heals up well. Can the producer sell the meat from that steer as CNG? *
1 point
A CNG hog farmer is struggling to find organic/CNG feed. He finally finds some locally that is GMO-free, but not certified organic. Can the farmer go ahead and purchase this feed? *
1 point
A CNG cattle producer raises and finishes their stock totally on pasture, without supplemental feed. They manage their pasture without synthetic inputs, but they’re hoping to graze on some of their neighbors' pastures this year. The neighbor uses glyphosate occasionally to spot spray weeds but does not use any other synthetic inputs. Is it ok for the CNG cattle to graze on the neighbor’s pasture? *
1 point
Which statements are true? (select all that apply) *
1 point
A CNG farmer has been given a variance from CNG to purchase conventional stock. She purchases a dairy cow from her neighbor, who manages his herd conventionally. If the farmer immediately begins managing the cow according to CNG standards, when can she begin selling the milk with a CNG label? *
1 point
What is the minimum number of square feet per bird that poultry is required to have access to in a pastured system where the birds are moved weekly? *
1 point
CNG has granted a variance to a farmer who is purchasing weaner pigs from a conventional source. When should the farmer begin managing the piglets according to CNG standards? *
1 point
You are inspecting a small CNG goat dairy. During the farm tour, you notice that one of the does is laying on her side breathing heavily. Upon closer inspection, you see that her udder is swollen, red and hot to the touch. The producer tells you that the doe likely has mastitis and has been deteriorating for the last week. You ask if the producer has sought veterinary treatment for the sick goat. The producer answers that no, of course they haven’t called the vet, because CNG prohibits antibiotics and other veterinary drugs. What would be your BEST response to explain the livestock health care standard to the producer? *
1 point
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