Local Author Book Stock Request
We receive numerous requests to stock self-published and independently published books.  Here are some guidelines to increase your chance of acceptance:
  • Standards we use to evaluate submissions: https://www.ibpa-online.org/page/standardschecklist
  • Are you local?  We aim to support authors who are part of our community, or who have written about life here.
  • Please do not cold-call or drop by the store with your book.  This form is the only way we will entertain submissions.
  • If we decide to stock your book, we will place an order with our distributor, Ingram, and let you know that we are adding it to our inventory.  We may accept copies by other means if necessary.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Name *
Email *
Book Title *
Author *
Are you local to the Upstate or South Carolina? *
Genre *
Author website
What is your relationship to the author of the book you would like us to consider? *
What is the book's ISBN? *
Publisher *
Publication Date (MM/DD/YY) *
Is the book available from a distributor such as Ingram? (Please Note: Amazon is not used as a distributor for Hub City Bookshop) *
How would the author and/or publisher plan to promote the book's availability at Hub City Bookshop? *
Is the book available at other regional bookstores? *
If yes, what other bookstores currently stock the book?
Did you also fill out an event request form? (Form can be found here) *
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