Lime Cellular - 10DLC Registration
Due to carrier requirements, you must register your number when using the new platform version and gain access to all the features.
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Lime Cellular admin account username or email *
Number to be registered
The provisioned phone number in 10-digit format (e.g. 2065551212)
Use Case
Enter a minimum of 1 and maximum of 5 use-cases from the list. For example: Turner Insurance, Inc will use text messaging for account notification, customer care, and marketing.
Legal Business Name *
Friendly name of business (DBA)
If no DBA, use the same legal business name
Tax Identifier
Tax ID of the business (9 digits).
Business Type *
Business Vertical *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Country *
Business Website *
Contact Name
First and last name of primary business contact
Contact Phone
Phone number of primary business contact
Contact Email
Email address of primary business contact
Sample Message #1
Min 40 characters. Sample text message that illustrates use-case. For example: “This is your appointment reminder for Tuesday, 8/31/21, at 10:00 AM with Dr. Smith”
Sample Message #2
Min 40 characters. Additional sample text message that illustrates use-case. Provide one sample per use case.
Sample Message #3
Min 40 characters. Additional sample text message that illustrates use-case. Provide one sample per use case.
Opt-in Message
Min 20 characters. This should be an example of the first message the end-user receives once they opt-in. For example: “Tranquil Family Dentistry: Thanks for being on time. We will text when it is time to come in.”

Message Flow
Min 40 characters. Describes how a consumer opts-in to the campaign, therefore giving consent to the sender to receive their messages. For example: “The end-user calls their provider and lets them know they have arrived. The provider asks if they would like to receive a text when their provider is ready to see them. The end-user texts the keyword ALERTS to the number to receive texts from the provider.”
Campaign Description
Min 250 characters. This should describe the overall campaign and what it will be used for. For example: “This campaign will be used to message users after they arrive for an appointment so they can wait in their car and are sent a message when their provider is ready to see them.”
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