2024-2025 YET program Administrator-Teacher Recommendation for Student
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Please use this form to nominate students for the 2024-2025 Alvin ISD YET Mentoring Program. YET stands for Youth Empowerment Team. No one knows​ their students​ better​ than their teachers and the campus staff who spend a big part of their day with them. Please​, keep your eyes open to look for those children in your class, or in your last year's class, that would benefit from having another strong adult presence in their life. Remember, YET is not a REACTIVE program but a PROACTIVE program. We strongly believe that adult role models and mentors are beneficial for any child, not only for those children labeled as "trouble kid" or " socially awkward kid" ​. So be open to nominate any child who could benefit from having an extra positive adult in their life.
Enter your name *
Position you hold at your school *
Student Last name *
Student First name *
Student Current Grade *
Student ID (this is necessary to look for parent's information and to make sure we locate the right student) *
Student Campus (current campus) *
Age *
Parent Last Name (if known)
Parent First Name  (if known)
Parent Phone Number  (if known)
Parent email address  (if known)
Date of Referral *
Please give a brief description of the reason for referral. (Please be as specific as possible so that we can match the student with the right mentor) *
If you are this child's classroom teacher and/or counselor, please add the best day(s) and time(s) for this child to meet with his/her mentor for 30 minutes once a week (please submit at least two different days and an AM  and a PM time (to provide flexibility for the mentors) 
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