AILO 2025 School Registration
Register your school here for All Ireland Linguistics Olympiad. You will receive monthly sample sets, workshop information and an invite to participate in Round One of AILO.

Please note that if you register, we take your school and contact details for the purposes of communication in regard to the AILO competition. We will email you with sample sets Sept - Jan each year, information on workshops and for the Preliminary Round of AILO (and further rounds if students qualify). We will only use your information for these purposes and it will not be shared with anyone else. Please email to be removed from the list or to change your email.

Please see the ADAPT privacy policy here: 
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Title *
First Name *
Surname *
Which of the following describes you? *
School Email Address *
This is the email address where information, sample sets and question papers will be sent to.
FULL School Name (and Address below) *
Please include a place name if the name of your school is not unique (e.g. Mercy College, Coolock). It is vital to provide a full and correct postal address as this is the address below that will be used to send out any print materials relating to the competition.
Street name *
Area name (if applicable)
Town *
County *
Would you want to host a workshop in your school this year? (Sept 2024-Jan 2025)
How many students do you estimate will be taking the first round in your school? (All students, all years welcome) *
Is your School *
Does your school have designated DEIS Status or Free Meal Status?  *
Your Subject Area *
What subject(s) do you teach? If you teach more than one, please tell us in 'Other.'
How did you first hear about AILO? *
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