Parent Approval for Overnight Trips -vote

Group Requesting Trip: TDT, CDT
Date and Time of Departure: 4/12/22
Date and Time of Return: 4/17/22
Destination of Trip: ORLANDO, FLORIDA
Teacher in Charge: EMMALEE MAXWELL
Estimated maximum cost to student and/or parents: $1400 AT MAX

PURPOSE OF THE TRIP: For students to travel to Orlando, take master classes in dance and leadership, see professional dance shows, and learn about the professional dance world.
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Parent Certification *
I have received and have carefully reviewed a copy of the "Application for Student Overnight and/or Extended Trip" as described above. I also understand that board policy requires that the financial cost for all trips will be borne by the student and/or parents although some limited fund raising may be permitted by the principal. The financial cost for the trip is the personal responsibility of the student and his/her parents. This responsibility does not rest with the school or the community.  NOTE: It is important that the school officials know your honest feelings concerning the proposed excursion. Please do not modify your response to satisfy possible peer pressure on your student.
If you voted NOT in support, please explain your reasons:
Student's name *
Date *
Parent's Electronic Signature *
I attest by this digital signature that I am the custodial parent or legal guardian of the student above. I acknowledge that falsifying this record makes me subject to law.
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