Academy of Finance Application
The Academy of Finance is a two-year program that students participate in during their junior and senior years. They have the opportunity to take classes that will give them a strong background in all areas of business while earning college credit.

Students are accepted into the program on a first-come first-serve basis until we reach the enrollment capacity. Students are evaluated based on prior academic performance, attendance, and interest in business/finance to make sure they will be successful in the advanced college environment.
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Student Name *
Student # *
School *
Student Cell Phone # *
Student Email Address *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Phone # *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Why are you interested in participating in the Academy of Finance? *
Please describe any circumstances (low GPA, low CPA, low test scores, attendance, etc.) which may affect your admission to the Academy of Finance. *
Have you taken BOS CE (CSIS 1020)? *
The Academy of Finance maintains a high standard of performance.  Students selected for the program are expected to meet that standard due to the requirements of the concurrent enrollment courses.
I will do my best to maintain the high standards of performance expected of Academy of Finance Students. *
Students accepted must make a two-year commitment to the program.  I agree to complete the two-year program. *
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