Impact of labelling on Identity 
 Labelling is a necessary evil: important to make sense of the world around us, but a primary enabler of stereotyping. Labelling theory states that people act in ways that correspond with how they are labelled by their peers/ others. More often than not, the words we use to describe what we see are not mere labels, but end up determining what we see.
The primary goals of this research are to 
1). Collect data about the positive and negative impact of positive and negative labelling at a young age on the self perception and self esteem 
2). Exploring impact of labelling based on feelings and subsequent impact on thinking patterns 
3). Through the data study, identify ways a coach could help identify the presence / impact of labelling in their clients 
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Name ( you can use your name or simply use the word "Participant" if you choose to remain anonymous) *
Age  *
Gender  *
What is your current Profession ? *

1. How do you feel about labelling in General? ( you can select multiple options )

2. What were some of the words, your parents used to appreciate you as a Child ? ( You can select multiple options) *
3. Which positive or affirming labels from your childhood  have helped shape your identity in a positive way?  
4. Please select attributes from the list below that you can relate to, about yourself, as an Adult? *
5.  How have these influenced your sense of self and your accomplishments in life? *
6. Which words were used most to describe you when others were upset / disappointed with you? (You can select multiple options) *
7. Do you relate to the said Negative labels given to you, Today? *
8. How would you categorise most of the labels given to you as a Child? *
9. Can you recall any specific labels that you were given as a child , by Family members , that you related to?
10.Can you recall any specific labels that you were given as a child that you related to, by Teachers *
11.Can you recall any specific labels that you were given as a child that you related to, by Peers ( others of a similar age category)?  *
12.  Did the labels given to you by family members, peers , teachers or authority figures contribute to how you viewed yourself ? *

13. How did the labels given by others make you feel?  (You can select multiple options)

14. Who gave you most of your Positive labels? (You can select multiple options) *
15. Who gave you most of your Negative labels? (You can select multiple options) *
16. Have you ever challenged or rejected the labels given to you as a Child ?
Clear selection
17. Have you ever challenged or rejected the labels given to you as a Young adult ?
Clear selection
18. Have you ever challenged or rejected the labels given to you as an Adult ?
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19. What made you challenge or reject the label given to you?  *
20. Have you ever internalised the labels given to you even if they were negative or inaccurate? *

21. Do you think these labels influenced the way you saw yourself as a child?


22.  Did these labels shape your beliefs about your Abilities and Limitations?


23. Have these labels continued to have effect in your adulthood? If so, how? (Optional to write).                     

(Yes / No answer will also work but if you could elaborate it would really add to the data)

24.Now as an adult,  Do you find yourself living up to or rejecting them, (consciously or unconsciously)? If so, how? 
(Optional to write)
(Yes / No answer will also work but if you could elaborate it would really add value to the data)
25. How have you worked to redefine or reshape your identity in light of any negative or limiting labels you were given in childhood?

(Yes / No answer will also work but if you could elaborate it would really add value to the data)

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26. Have the labels given to you impacted your relationships with Others? *

27. Do you still carry the labels given to you from your childhood with you Today?

28. Have you ever sought professional help, to work through the impact of labelling on your Identity  (How you see yourself or How others see you)? *
29. What kind of intervention have you sought to work through any issues related to childhood labelling and its impact on your identity?
(You can select multiple options)

30.  Have you ever tried to redefine or reclaim the labels given to you in a positive way?


31. Have you ever labelled a friend, a peer, a loved one?

32. What is one main thought coming to you at the end of this survey?
( if you could share / elaborate it would really add value to the data)
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