2024-25 PNW Honey Bee Survey
Thank you for your participation with the 16th annual Pacific Northwest Honey Bee Loss Survey. Survey responses will be collected from March 16th to May 1st this year! 
FastTrack Survey entries are now an option which reduces input by 75% - just click SKIP! 

Otherwise to make the most of the ORIGINAL full blown survey experience please begin the survey when you are prepared to answer questions on:  Hive survivor success rate, hive type, months and types of hive treatments and management practices, as well as the apiary location(s). 

There is a Note Sheet available for download at http://pnwhoneybeesurvey.com/NoteSheet/ which is a great tool to both remind you of things that COULD be done and track WHEN things occur, for yourself if not for the survey. If you have any questions or concerns about this survey contact us at info@pnwhoneybeesurvey.com 

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