Tape Measure Survey
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Idea #1: What do you think of this idea?
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Idea #1: Would you use this? Could you see someone you know using this? Check all that apply
Idea #1: Could you see yourself buying this? If so, how much would you pay?
Idea #2: What do you think of this idea?
Captionless Image
Idea #2: Would you use this? Could you see someone you know using this? Check all that apply
Idea #2: Could you see yourself buying this? If so, how much would you pay?
Idea #3: What do you think of this idea?
Captionless Image
Idea #3: Would you use this? Could you see someone you know using this? Check all that apply
Idea #3: Could you see yourself buying this? If so, how much would you pay?
Idea #4: What do you think of this idea?
Captionless Image
Idea #4: Would you use this? Could you see someone you know using this? Check all that apply
Idea #4: Could you see yourself buying this? If so, how much would you pay?
Idea #5: What do you think of this idea?
Captionless Image
Idea #5: Would you use this? Could you see anyone you know using this? Check all that apply
Idea #5: Could you see yourself buying this? If so, how much would you pay?
Idea #6: What do you think of this idea?
Captionless Image
Idea #6: Would you use this? Could you see anyone you know using this? Check all that apply
Idea #6: Could you see yourself buying this? If so, how much would you pay?
Idea #7: What do you think of this idea?
Captionless Image
Idea #7: Would you use this? Could you see anyone you know using this? Check all that apply
Idea #7: Could you see yourself buying this? If so, how much would you pay?
Idea #8: What do you think of this idea?
Captionless Image
Idea #8: Would you use this? Could you see anyone you know using this? Check all that apply
Idea #9: What do you think of this idea?
Captionless Image
Idea #9: Would you use this? Could you see anyone you know using this? Check all that apply
Idea #9: Could you see yourself buying this? If so, how much would you pay?
Idea #10: What do you think of this idea?
Captionless Image
Idea #10: Would you use this? Could you see anyone you know using this? Check all that apply
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