Toaster & Makerspace Event/Workshop Request Form
Thank you for your interest in hosting an event or workshop at the Toaster! Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below and we will work with you to ensure your event is a success.

Please note completing this form does not mean that your event / workshop has been booked. The Toaster Team will follow up with you directly to confirm your booking and address any remaining questions. If you have questions about this form contact

Please Note: Requests must be made at least 72 hours in advance. Requests sent after 2pm on a Friday will not be reviewed until the following Monday.

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Email *
Name *
UMN Email *
Are you requesting on behalf of a... *
Name of Registered Student Organization, Campus Life Program, Department or other affiliation *
Event or workshop title *
Describe your event / workshop (500 characters or less) *
Note: This description will be used for the Toaster events calendar and general promotion for public events.
Describe how your event or workshop aligns with the Toaster's emphasis on innovation, entrepreneurship  and/or making/creation) . *
Use these definitions to aid you in creating an answer to this question.
  • Innovative Action: primarily consisting of activities directly aiming at producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services
  • Entrepreneurship: a way of thinking that pursues change through a mindset of curiosity, creating value, and connections that delivers solutions through businesses or social impact initiatives
  • Making/Creation: act of producing something (with a focus on first-time/new items or content)
What day is your event / workshop? *
Please check out our events calendar for general availability here
Start time *
End time *
If your event is recurring, please enter any additional dates (MM/DD format) and times (start and end) you hope to book below.
What is your expected attendance? *
Is this a public or private event / workshop? *
Do you plan on having food at your event? *
What type of event are you hosting? *
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