Singer Sanctuary
Adoption / Foster Application
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Full name *
Are you interested in fostering or adopting? *
Email address *
Full address (street, city, zip) *
Cell phone *
Do you rent or own your home? *
Type of residence? *
If you rent/ lease, has your landlord approved you to foster / adopt an animal? *
Name and phone # of landlord: *
List all the animals that currently live with you (name, species, age, sex, altered or not?): *
Name and contact info of your veterinarian: *
What kind of animal do you want to adopt / foster and WHY? *
Where will the animal sleep? *
How many hours a day will the animal be left alone? *
What behaviors will you not tolerate? *
Have you ever been investigated by Animal Services (and if yes, explain)? *
Do you have a car? *
For rabbit fosters / adopters only: Rabbits are very social animals and are usually happier when they have a buddy (or two or three). Would you be willing to foster / adopt more than one? *
Is anyone in the house allergic to animals / hay? *
Adopters only: if your animal became ill or hurt, could you afford veterinary bills? How much would be too much? *
Adopters only: would you ever consider euthanizing an animal, and if yes, when? *
Fosters only: what is the minimum time frame you can commit to keeping the animal? *
Fosters only: how do you plan on helping this animal get adopted? How are you going to help him/her find a permanent home? (ideas: start a social media page, hang posters/flyers around your neighborhood, attend (w/ bunny) monthly adoption events (the first Sunday of every month at Rosie Bunny Bean in Highland Park) *
Fosters only: are you willing to administer medication, if needed? *
Fosters only: have you ever fostered animals before, and if yes, with whom? *
Fosters only: if you needed to terminate the foster agreement, can you give us at least two weeks notice and help find a replacement foster family? *
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